Monday, April 23, 2007

Ten Minute Break: In a bad mood already

I was going to save these sweet ten minutes of blogging heaven for a later slice of the day, but too late. It's 10:18 AM and I'm pissed off already. My awkward cubemate walks in talking about how beautiful it is out, asking me, "Makes you hate to be at work, huh?" Thanks buddy. Then he starts talking about baseball, so I chip in with my Mets angst, hoping we can talk about how both our teams sucked this weekend (he's a Yanks fan). He simply goes, "I didn't know you were such a big Mets fan." I guess I'm not. Thanks for killing the conversation. He then starts to sputter into his speakerphone while eating cereal, annoying me further with his general sloppiness and lack of consideration for other people. Then antoher co-worker walks in, and stands at our doorway, smiling. Mind you, he has a large beard. So he's smiling, with a large beard.

"How's about those Yankees?"
"What about them," my cubemate replies.
"Better get out the brooms! Sweep, sweep..."
"Yeah, I'm not worried."
"Okay, well. What's this deal you're working on?"
"Oh, it's something you don't know anything about."
"What is it?"
"It's a Grantor Trust."
"What the fuck is that."
"Ask... ask someone about it."
"Okay, that's all I got."

Ruffled feathers, bearded co-worker leaves. This is too much. I'm in a bad mood already. Just wanted to share. That's my ten minutes.

EDIT: and to the above mentioned co-workers, you guys ARE that awkward, and not like in a cute nerdy way, but in a my-ego's-so-massive-I-can-barely-walk-straight-
gosh-what-if-people-think-I'm-gay kind of way. Yeah.

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