Monday, April 23, 2007

I can't sleep

Because I've been getting 5 hours of sleep everynight for the past few weeks, and tonight, I went to bed at 10 PM for the first time in a long time, I woke up at 1:30 AM, thirsty and kind of ready to go to work.

I tried a couple other things to fall asleep before I hopped onto my blog. Let's hope this does it.

I had this dream where I was writing an email to a friend of a friend, telling her the correct name of some company someone had quit from--it was a long dream where I kept drafting this one email over and over again. The dream had two distinct qualities: 1.Desperation for human contact 2. Occupational Entrapment

Somehow, writing this email was the only way for me to get to know this person. The whole email was about some minute detail, like the spelling of the word Cadwalader, or something. But I kept drafting the email, sometimes forgetting I had drafted it already, and it seemed when she responded, we were still talking about the same shit. Fucking maddening.

I woke up in a sweaty panic.

I also pondered what it meant that so many of my friends had rich parents.

It's not a big thought. Small thought. Highschool thought.

Big thoughts: ...??

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