Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Now, this ain't no wise piece of advice. It's common sense, but when your chips are low, when you are rock bottom, that's exactly when you got to listen to me. So that's why I speak.
They won't even know it. Don't stop to see if they notice. That's step one to falling harder than you've already fallen. Step two is listening to the bullshit they feed you. letting others words have more meaning than your own is losing the rights to your mind. It's worse than going blind--it's seeing what they want you see. Step three is letting sorrow sing you to sleep. The rhythm enters your whole body and you start to walk like it, talk like it, sing and dance like it. even Fight like it.

like you're the same old sorry shit.
(who is they? the ghost. the sea of silhouettes bulging beyond reach and seeping into your memory like spies in the night. Leaving burnt candles and open doors in the morning.)
Don't stop. Not for that. Not worth it. Assume no one's listening. those who stop to look behind them see only dusty roads.

Own words. Take back the power to think. Don't speak in untouchable tongues. All they hear is a mess of cliches and tired lamentations.

Sing your own song. find your blues, be beautiful, be born.
It's not dangerous to love. It's not dangerous to trust. In fact, if you neglect these things, you will be worse off. Have a generous heart. Expect nothing in return. Always be surprised at kindness. You won't be taken seriously. Not yet.

It's dangerous to step forward into this world owning nothing. You'll have nothing to give. There are wolves, there are sheep.

And then there is everyone else.


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