Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Okay Readers! Ready for another pep talk?!
Here it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Every single step forward blotches red with pain, because every step is the wrong step, and you've just fucked up for the 13th time in a row. You've said the wrong thing, You've done the wrong thing, You ARE the wrong thing. You don't have a damn thing to be proud of, and all you can do is feel sorry for yourself, and maybe cry yourself to sleep, because baby, ain't nobody calling your sweet ass for a warm cup of coffee.

yes, That's right. You are, at this very moment, a loser.
no favors, no help, no understanding glances of empathy.
just this: Fuck, You.

But you just give them a fuck you right back because at the end of the day the only person you have to answer to is yourself. You will not be a bitchy coward about your feelings, your dreams, and your thoughts. You will give yourself the ass kicking you deserve. No one else cares enough to give it to you, so you will proceed to look yourself in the mirror and see how pathetic you are, and you will yell at yourself.

And then you will leave the room and leave your self to sit by himself and think about what he just did. He will get his shit together, open the door, come back to you, and say, please sir, give me some more. And then, you'll feel like a goddamn person, again. And then, you'll sober up and apply to a few more jobs, scrutinize some more writing, and plan tomorrow's ass kicking.

and THAT, is how I feel right now.


Anonymous said...

dude i fucking love this. thank u


Anonymous said...

fuck you!

huggles and snuggles,