Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Ten Minute Break: These Things

Working on my resume, making it look shiny and impressive.

Drafting ideas for a comic, thinking of the beautiful black ink that will bless
big white pages in the near future.

Seeing my writing posted on other blogs, working on a new webzine with friends.

Going to concerts, museums, and readings. Listening and watching
filling up my hungry heart.

Seeing a draft of a poem I've been working on sitting on my desktop,
and making changes to it, watching it unfold -- reverse origami.

Getting a new issue of a magazine in the mail, more inspiration.

Editting someone elses resume or cover letter.

Editting someone elses writing, talking about it, and seeing "us" work.

Job searching, seeing possibilities, feeling a future.


These things, almost make me smile.

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