Sunday, December 10, 2006

Itch Itch Itch Itch

The last two weeks have been difficult. After pulling an all nighter, and coming in on Sunday, I felt the weight of a job that I do not enjoy and that takes up most of my time. Everyday I would work up the energy and motivation to get through the day with various exercises: drinking ice water, red bull, coffee, or tea; nibbling on pastries, potato chips, and gum; getting up to stretch, walk, chat, and poop.

Also, the last two weeks have left my body riddled with bug bites. I have a bed bug problem.

I sat there in my cubicle thinking of how boring the job was, and how pointless life felt, and all the while scratched, and I scratched, and eventually there formed a patch of red scabs on my chest. Gross, really.

After showing my rosey scabs to person after person, grossing out each unsuspecting onlooker, I went home this weekend and I fell into an itchy, bleeding, depression.

There's nothing more unsettling than being unsettled. I have yet to get a mattress for my bed frame, itself missing a piece that I must have forgotten at IKEA when picking up the item, and the air mattress I have been sleeping on has left me full of bug bites.

So tonight I'm going home. I've packed my bags, and I'm ready to leave. But before I do, I am going to open the closet door, take apart the drawers to my clothing chest, and deflate my air mattress, laying it out on the floor. Then, I will pop open a can of bug fumigation and shut the door behind me in hopes that when I return tomorrow, the bugs will be gone.

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