Sunday, October 30, 2005

A brave new world

It is with dismay that I sometimes realize the pursuit of professional work is difficult when my heart has been set in other pursuits for so long. Because I have been so fervently and deeply invested in struggles pertaining to human connection, I feel the concentrating of my efforts in any other task is futile. Will professionalism only leave me dry of love and connection? Will it not isolate me in either a academic prison of steely logic or a professional drive off a cliff and into the abyss of personal ambition?


I am the last person who should fear loneliness in a professional pursuit for I am both talented and loved. I must remember this. You must remember this. What you do in this life, all of it, is a reflection of the passion you have for humanity. Never will your pursuits be sterile in such vain words such as discipline, control, and mastery; you will connect, build, love, and struggle beautifully. Fear not. Fight the good fight. Kick ass, take names.

entry one, here it is.


Emily said...

stop writing so well. =)

Anonymous said...

yes you do write really well.
::in awe of it::